Resilience   &  Trauma  Preparedness

Building your resilience


We all face traumas, adversities, and other challenges. The different programs we offer are a roadmap for adapting to life-changing situations and emerging even stronger than before.

With the right tools and support in place, one thing is sure. You will not only make it through the challenges of life, but you will also emerge more confident and courageous afterward.

Resilience is the process of bouncing back and growth while being confronted with trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress.

We will give you the tools to bounce back, gain control, modify, and grow. Becoming resilient not only helps you to get through difficult circumstances, it also empowers you to grow and even improve your life along the way.

Resilience is not a static personality trait, it involves behaviour, thoughts, and actions that anyone can learn to develop.


We offer specialised programs for Peer Support Workers with High Impact Jobs such as:

  • Emergency Respons Services
  • Emergency Respons Teams
  • Occupational First Aiders

Our programs are customised to the needs of your organisation, and contain the following items:

  • Introduction to the concept of Post Traumatic Growth and the interaction/influence of our brain in building our resilience.
  • A test that will give you insight into your behaviour and your stress reaction 
  • A structured method - How2Respond Cycle® -  that you can put into place to build your resilience - within all aspects of this Cycle
      • How to identify & analyse emotional distress
      • How to prevent or prepare for traumas & adversities
      • How to respond during stressful and difficult circumstances
      • How to recover from the stressful incident or situation
      • How to evaluate and make changes when necessary
Respond cycle english copy

We offer specialised programs for Peer Support Workers with High Impact Jobs such as:

  • Emergency Respons Services
  • Emergency Respons Teams
  • Occupational First Aiders